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What are my options for data migration into tiCrypt?

Users have four options to transfer data into tiCrypt:

  • Upload via the browser into your Vault
  • Vault SFTP or Inbox Credentials
  • Direct SFTP transfer into the VM
  • External Cloud Services

Depending on factors such as the volume of data, existing workflows, and the current location of the data, users may opt for one or multiple methods to securely integrate data into the system.

Upload via the browser into your Vault


Users can use this can use the browser to upload data directly into their Vault while logged into the tiCrypt system.

To upload a file navigate to tab then select My Files section on the top left panel.

  • Click the Upload button in the top right panel.
  • Select either the Files or Directories option.
  • Follow the instructions from upload a file section.

Vault SFTP or Inbox Credentials


You can designate a specific folder in your Vault as an Inbox, creating a unique URL that includes exclusive SFTP credentials. This URL can be shared with your data provider, who, without requiring any special account, can use the provided credentials with their preferred SFTP client to transfer data directly into the designated Vault directory. Importantly, the files transferred through this process are encrypted with your unique public key, ensuring that only you and those explicitly granted access within tiCrypt can access and manage these files.

To create a new inbox navigate to the tab in the section.

  • Select an existing directory you want to turn into an inbox.
  • Click the Manage Inbox icon in the top right center.
  • Follow the instructions from create an inbox or create an SFTP inbox sections.

Once data is imported into the Vault, you can move it to specific Virtual Machines (VMs).

Direct SFTP transfer into the VM

After connecting to a VM, users can generate SFTP credentials to directly transfer data into a VM via the tiCrypt application.


Users must have the tiCrypt application running and connection to the specific VM to perform this task.

External Cloud Services

You can link your external cloud service accounts to tiCrypt for a one-way transfer of data into the Vault. Your data remains secure and confidential during the transfer.

  • Supported cloud providers: Dropbox, Google Cloud, and OneDrive.